Thursday, September 1, 2016

Thursday, September 1, 2016

We made it to CANADA!!! And the Atlantic time zone, which our phones were saying it was the past 4 days in Eastport.  And EXCELLENT internet service.  And a GREAT campground.  So what that it took us 4 hours to go 52 miles (or 83.7 kilometers).  No, it wasn’t traffic.

Well, there was the 45-minute wait in line to cross the border at Calais, ME/St. Stephen, NB (4 cars ahead of us – all from New Brunswick – and, as near as we can tell, one diligent Canadian “homeland security” type border guard) and then the dutiful 1 hour stop at the newly-opened, where-in-the-hell-is-it-located, I-see-the-Canadian-“?”-signs-but-it-can’t-possibly-be-this-far-from-the-crossing-oh-there-it-is St. Stephen, NB visitor center.  Remember, we had talked with the wonderfully exuberant Ranger Jessica.  And, of course, we chose “the road less traveled” scenic route instead of the multi-lane (no, not the TransCan which, we had been corrected at the visitor center, was the Canadian equivalent of an interstate).  But….
We are in CANADA!!!!  With great road signs and people who drive at reasonable speeds and don’t drive up your tailpipe if you’re going a bit slow.  And a campground that is filled with fifth-wheels instead of huge Class A’s (of course the fifth wheels are VERY LARGE – just like Class A’s).  A campground with GREAT – AND FREE – Wi-Fi service.  And clean, accommodating bathrooms with showers you want to use.


Specifically, we are in St. Andrews-by-the-Sea, in the Kiwanis Oceanfront Campground.  Without a reservation.  And, unfortunately for us, we were stupid and presumptive.  We assumed that Labor Day was a U.S. holiday.  Guess what.  Labour Day is celebrated in Canada the same day as in the U.S.  We thought we could avoid the road/campground crush of the long Labor Day weekend we experience in the U.S. by coming up to Canada.  Well, that’s what happens to stupid, presumptive “Americans”.  I wonder – does Mexico celebrate Labor Day (or Dia del Trabajo) too.  Then it really would be an American (well, North American) holiday.  I’ll check that out later.  [Note – I checked.  There is, indeed, a Mexican Labor Day.  But it is celebrated on May 1st.  Wait – isn’t that also May Day – yep.  That’s International Workers Day, celebrated by Socialists and Communists alike.  So what’s up with it being a national holiday in Mexico.  Not sure – you’ll have to check that one out yourself.]

So back to us – not sure where we’ll end up over the long week-end.  We could border hop and go back to the Seaview Campground in Eastport (yep, they have room because the big week-end there is over September 9th – Pirate Days) and Sue liked us (well, liked Rick anyway).  But not sure that we want to back-track.  We’re trying to make it to Cape Breton Island to see if that’s the place to move to after the election of doom.  We sure won’t be staying here, even though it IS a Marriott hotel:
Algonquin Hotel - originally built in 1889
Aerial view -- it's MASSIVE

By-the-way, campers here – almost all Canadians from either NB or Nova Scotia (NS) or Ontario (ON) – have been asking us about this election.  Seems that they’re all feeling a bit amused and superior to us Down-South’s for having such a long, drawn out period of pain.  I think they see us as very masochistic.  And, many of them say, what’s with Donald Trump?  How did that happen?  We’re good guests.  We don’t question them about cover-boy Justin Trudeau.  Nor do we say anything about the shouting matches we see in Parliament.  Nor the fact that Quebec has been trying to secede for eons.  Politics is politics wherever you go.

Speaking of politics, one of St. Andrews’ claims to fame seems to be that it was a destination for many loyalists during the Revolutionary War – that’s the war between the separatist colonists in the soon-to-be United States and Britain.  There were quite of number of loyalists who didn’t want to leave king and country.  So, as things were heating up down south, many loyalists made their way up to St. Andrews.  There is actually a Loyalist Cemetery here.  There’s also one in Saint John up the “road”.  Seems like many people didn’t like the politics of the time back in 1770’s.

Some pics taken on our walk in St. Andrews-by-the-Sea:

Not even low tide


Red Rocks of St. Andrews



Old Man and the Sea
Grandpa Funny
For Morgan, Gwen, and Griffin -- we found your Daddy
Grandpa Funny at it again
That's MY street

For Emily -- it's a dragon

See -- Loyalist

The blog author
Today we hope to get to the Kingsbrae Gardens – supposed to be quite a treat as botanical gardens go.  We’ll take more pictures.  Maybe I (Dona) can even twist the arm of my photographer partner (Rick) to take good ones with his camera instead of the ones I’ve been “snapping” with my iPhone.

Next post after Labor (or Labour) Day.  Until then, enjoy the journey…Dona and Rick